- Ferguson-Florissant School District
- What is Title I
- How Does Title I Support Schools and Families?
Federal Programs
Page Navigation
- Federal Programs Staff
- Overview
- COVID Funding Overview
- Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief (ESSER) Overview
- Federal Programs Request for Quote/Proposal
- Every Student Succeeds Act Complaint Procedures
- What is Title I
- What is Title II
- What is Title III
- Parent & Family Engagement
- Nonpublic Information
- Related Links
- LEA Planning
- Partnering with Afterschool Providers
- Time & Effort Reporting
- Parents Make the Difference
- Testing Transparency
- Assessment Calendar
- 2023-2024 ESEA Plans
- Literacy Plan
How does Title I support students?
Title I Schools set annual goals for school improvement, measure student progress using Missouri State Standards, and provide programs and services beyond what the district usually provides. Such as:-
- Providing supplemental academic programs and resources
- Providing additional supports during the school day
- Providing technology for
- Supporting teachers with professional development and job embedded coaching in the content areas to improve instruction
- Providing instructional aides for small group instruction
- Providing liaisons to support students and families
- Providing additional reading support in summer programs
- Providing tutoring before or after school or during the summer
How does Title I support families?
Schools are required to plan how they will involve parents in the education of their children. Each school must write, with the help of parents, a school Family Engagement Plan. The school’s Family Engagement Plan describes how schools and families work together to help children succeed. Schools also work with parents to develop a School Compact that serves as a contract between caregivers and the school committing to support the student through a partnership where both parties prioritize student achievement. Schools must include parents in decisions about how to better meet the needs of their students, improve education in their schools, use Title I funds to build the capacity of parents and staff, and increase student achievement.- Some ways Title I funds may be used to support parents, build capacity, and include parents in decision-making include:
- Host activities to help families assist their children with learning
- Build parents' capacity to support their child’s learning
- Provide childcare during meetings and school activities
- Offer parenting classes (literacy, math, social emotional needs, and more)
- Provide parent resources to assist with learning at home
- Provide regular parent-teacher conferences at times convenient for the caregiver
- Ensure parents are provided access to important information in their native language when needed