• Based on input from students, parents, staff, community members, business and higher education leaders, the District has developed a Graduate Profile. Through this process we have identified specific indicators to measure our graduates’ readiness for success in college and life. 

    1. Communicator

    ○ Listens to understand others

    ○ Clearly articulate ideas when writing, speaking, and visually, adapting messages to fit the purpose and needs of the audience

    2. Collaborator

    ○ Works effectively with others to accomplish a common goal

    ○ Engages in positive and productive conflict resolution

    3. Innovator

    ○ Explores multiple possibilities and evaluates relevant information in order to

    enact change

    ○ Perseveres through challenges by using obstacles as opportunities to learn, reflect, and improve

    4. Citizen

    ○ Demonstrates civic engagement by applying knowledge and practical skills to improve communities

    ○ Posses other mindedness & equity

    5. Mastery Learner

    ○ Demonstrates mastery of content standards

    ○ Applies content knowledge to real world situations, and transfers knowledge across various contexts and disciplines


Sample of a Graduate Profile

  • Ferguson-Florissant School District Graduate Profile


    Competency & Indicators

    Grade 8 Performance Outcome Statements

    Grade 12 Performance Outcome Statements

    Projects & Tasks


    • Applies logic and reasoning in order to convey ideas accurately and clearly in a variety of formats (written, verbal, digital, etc.)

    • Actively listens to others

    • Uses multimedia/digital formats to convey ideas effectively to an authentic audience 

    • Advocates for self and others

    • Develops clear and accurate claims, using credible, relevant & sufficient evidence to support their ideas

    • Organizes ideas in a clear, coherent, and logical way.

    • Accurately uses academic, professional, or industry-specific language to convey skills and knowledge and to explain ideas

    • Intentionally selects and moves fluently between academic/professional and informal/cultural language when conveying ideas

    • Demonstrates active listening by asking relevant questions and constructs direct, clear and relevant responses to questions

    • Demonstrates appropriate use of body language, pace, timing, eye contact, and volume to support audience understanding

    • Creates various digital/visual/multimedia displays to support audience understanding 

    • Something about advocacy needed. 

    • Present to congress on a personal and relevant topic

    • Run for a government office

    • Student produced national broadcasting network

    • Developing and presenting a business plan

    • Grant writing

    • Defense of learning

    • Student led conferences


    • Works effectively with diverse groups to accomplish a goal

    • Considers multiple perspectives & ideas in order to build positive relationships and resolve conflict constructively

    • Gives and receives feedback to improve work, accomplish a goal or complete a complex task

    • Uses technology and digital tools to work productively with others

    • Strategically implements appropriate cooperative strategies and technologies to make decisions, adjust to dynamic situations, and accomplish goals 

    • Analyze own perspective and synthesize multiple and varying perspectives/ideas to manage conflicts and solve problems

    • Implements, evaluates, facilitates, and adapts processes for providing and receiving constructive feedback, and synthesizes and incorporates feedback from multiple sources to improve outcomes and work

    • Critiques personal strength and areas of growth, and analyzes/evaluates the impact their actions had on outcomes and group dynamics

    • Interacts with respect and sensitivity to culture/background



    • Analyzing outcomes

    • Analyze & evaluate info

    • Employs and can justify decision making process using research

    • Making connections and transferring info

    • Organized thought process

    • Creating new understanding

    • Determine our why, purpose

    • Questioning purpose, process, input, limits, status quo, etc.

    • Creates original works that demonstrates thoughtful & reflective approaches

    • Generates authentic, complex questions/ideas and designs, executes, and evaluates multiple logical ways to investigate 

    • Apply and explain a deliberate process to complete a complex task

    • Synthesizes ideas from various disciplines to create something new or original.

    • Facilitates processes to receive feedback from various sources (move to collaboration?)

    • Analyze evidence/information/data for bias, relevance, and credibility

    • Analyzes risks, known and unknown, anticipates successes and challenges, and adapts action an approach to achieve desired outcomes

    • Explains and evaluates their successes, challenges, and current limitations, and explains and evaluates how they adapted their approach to successfully achieve desired outcomes



    • Self-regulation/self-control

    • Understanding others and self

    • Seeks cultural understanding

    • Relates to others

    • Active listener

    • Appreciating differences

    • Analyzes how my own and other’s identities and lived experience influence perspectives, interactions, language and understandings of situations, events, issues, or phenomena

    • Analyzes root causes of a local, community, or global issue from the perspectives of those most impacted, and analyzes the impact of prior approaches/solutions from various perspectives, especially those most impacted

    • Develop and implement individual/collective action that addresses a local, community, or global issue in ways that are beneficial to myself and others, especially those most impacted by issue, and evaluate the impact of the action.

    • Use and facilitate democratic processes to listen to various perspectives and promote a sense of belonging and community across differences

    • Analyze and justify how personal actions and decisions show respect for cultures and beliefs, especially across difference

    • Design a personal community project for change through partnerships with a local, national, or global organization and travel to see it through

    • Place based education

    Mastery Learner

    • Demonstrates knowledge and skills on traditional and more personalized assessments

    • Applies knowledge and skills to new and authentic contexts in order to extend or challenge what they already know

    • Persists through and learns from challenges

    • Reflects on how they make meaning of their experiences and world around them

    • Makes appropriate choices to further their learning and growth 

    • Analyzes and critiques connections between their own and others ideas/solutions/ products/work in order to extend or challenge knowledge

    • Analyzes and critiques how completing learning tasks/assignments/projects helped to develop skills needed in the real-world and/or deepen interdisciplinary knowledge and skills

    • Synthesize their ideas/learning and draws connections to other knowledge, skills, and authentic contexts

    • Applies knowledge to practical and authentic contexts/situations

    • Evaluates and revises academic & professional goals for transition readiness, creates post-secondary plans, takes action to accomplish post-secondary plans, evaluates effectiveness of actions, and makes appropriate adjustments

    • Work in their career pathway

    • Run a farm to table (self-sustaining) restaurant

    • Travel abroad

    • Extreme PE

    • Researcher in local lab

    • App creator

    • Volunteerism

    • Docent at museum

    • Start a business

    • Run for office

    • TEACH - like we do!

    • Cure a disease

    • Change the trajectory of their graduation