Long-Range Facilities Plan (LRFP)

  • As part of our Strategic Plan, Ferguson-Florissant School District is working on creating a comprehensive Long Range Facility Planning Study for the school district. In April 2024, we hosted community-wide facility master planning public meetings for families and staff to learn more about our current reality in the following key areas.

    • Facility and maintenance assessments

    • Enrollment projections

    • Building and grounds realities

    • Financial and facilities estimates

    Over the last several months, the team from MGT has been surveying and assessing our current facilities, school buildings, and grounds. During the facility master planning community meetings, we shared a wealth of data, information, and context on our current reality. If you did not attend the community meetings, here is the information that was presented. The information shared from MGT is in the slide presentation.



LRFP English Presentation

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LRFP Presentación en Español

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