Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

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  • What is Social-Emotional Learning?


    Social and emotional learning (SEL) is defined as “the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions” (CASEL, 2017). SEL can enhance students’ capacity to integrate cognition, affect, and behavior to effectively manage and respond to daily tasks and challenges.

SEL Curriculum

  • Second Step

    Second Step

    The social-emotional learning curriculum for
    Pre-K through grade 5 approved by the district is Second Step. The curriculum focuses on promoting self-regulation through the
    development of executive functions and emotion management skills, and
    social-emotional competence.

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  • 7 Mindsets

    7 Mindsets

    The social-emotional learning curriculum for
    grades 6-12 approved by the district is 7 Mindsets. The curriculum follows Blooms Taxonomy progression and aligns directly to the development of 10 SEL competencies: CASEL’s 5 plus resilience, growth mindset, empathy, sense of purpose and hope.

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  • What is Ferguson-Florissant’s approach to Social and Emotional Learning?

    • A focus on the following  competencies: (1) self-awareness, (2) self-management, (3) social awareness, (4) relationship skills, and (5) responsible decision making.
    • Skills are reinforced, extended, and applied to age-appropriate situations at each grade level.
    • Schools strive to establish classroom and school routines to offer students the opportunity to practice and receive feedback and reinforcement on their use of the skills.
    • School leaders act to shape a school culture that will provide a safe place for students to practice skills and where adults model the skills.

Alignment to Ferguson-Florissant's Mission to Serve Students

  • Student Expectations Code (SEC)

    The SEC was revised in 21-22 to support students with SEL reteaching opportunities to better learn the skills that help them succeed in the learning environment

  • MTSS Tier 1 Systems

    We are committed to implementing a high quality core SEL curriculum for all students and maintaining schoolwide systems that ensure students feel safe and connected.

  • Restorative Practices


  • Benefits of Social-Emotional Learning

    • Student attitude towards learning improved.
    • increased motivation and commitment.
    • There were behavioral changes in participation and study habits.
    • improved grades as well as greater mastery of material.
    • Reduces behavior problems 


    Resources compiled with information from CASEL and Zins, Weissberg, Wang, and Walberg, 2004

    • Ferguson-Florissant School District’s SEL program is tied to our work in equity, standards-based instruction, and mentoring.
    • All of these areas cover similar concepts and utilize the same skills.
    • As part of SEL, students learn to apply the same skills that they have used in everyday circumstances to more complex situations.

What is Ferguson-Florissant’s approach to Social and Emotional Learning?