- Ferguson-Florissant School District
- Foster Care Services
The Ferguson-Florissant School District (FFSD) recognizes that students in foster care face unusual educational challenges. Our goal for foster care students is to provide educational stability and remove barriers in order to support academic excellence. In order to achieve this, the district works collaboratively with Children's Division (CD) of the Missouri Department of Social Services, foster parents, and past or current school districts where the student attended school. A foster care student is defined as any student who is residing in a licensed or approved foster care setting authorized by the Children's Divison or its partner agencies. FFSD Foster Care Liaison will provide assistance regarding all aspects of the enrollment, placement, transfer, and withdrawal of children in foster care and serve as the point of contact for the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and the CD.
Enrollment of Foster Care Students
Prior to a foster student enrolling in the FFSD, a Best Interest Determination (BID) meeting needs to occur. FFSD Foster Care Liaison will be a part of a meeting to determine which placement is in the best interest of the student. The meeting will also include a representative from CD, and a representative(s) from the school of origin or residence. Other individuals in attendance may include the parents/guardians and student, if appropriate; and any other person requested by the student. Everyone in attendance is part of the "BID Team" and, uses child-centered criteria, including the appropriateness of the current educational setting and proximity to the school in which the student is enrolled at the time to determine the best placement for the student. If the BID team cannot reach a consensus regarding the best placement, the representative from the CD will make the final determination.
For more information or to schedule a BID meeting please send an email to the Foster Care Liaison.
If you would like additional information about enrollment or the BID process please visit the DESE's Foster Care website.
Yolanda Rodgers-Garvin