Purposity - Join the FFSD Purposity Community

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    The Ferguson-Florissant School District (FFSD) is the first Missouri school district to partner with a group called Purposity, whose name is derived from purpose + generosity. This partnership will connect our students in need with caring individuals who want to help.

    What if you knew of a student who had a simple need – like shoes, a comforter or clothing to help make their lives easier at home and in turn, more successful in the classroom– chances are you’d help, right?  Purposity is a new app that you can get right on your cell phone to connect you to an FFSD student in need.

    FFSD needs to build a community of 500 “Student Supporters” or users before we can fully launch with helping students.  Once our target of 500 “Student Supporters” is reached, student needs will be shared.  If you want to join our FFSD Purposity Community, download the Purposity App, click sign up, scroll down to Missouri and then click Ferguson-Florissant School District.  You may also visit www.purposity.com for more information. Sign up today, tell a friend and SHARE ON social media.

An image of the Purposity logo.
  • Purposity finds those in need near you. Purposity is a not-for-profit app that connects the physical needs of children, vetted through established local nonprofits, with local residents and community members who want to help through just a few clicks.

Purposity Introduction Video